Clixsense Money adder 2016

My new software is clixsense money adder 2015.
Add money in your clixsense account by using this software.

Just install it then enter your clixsense user name & password & login.
After that select amount & click " start adding " button.

You will get the amount in your clixsense account.

This program is tested & working 100%

I give you 100% guaranty Because I am accepting paypal.
Paypal give you 100% money back guaranty.

This software price is $500 USD 

If any serious buyer want to buy this software then contact me.

My Email -:  
Skype -: hackerprincedev
Phone/whatsapp -: +91-8277365298
Bangalore, karnatak
Clixsense Money adder 2016 Clixsense Money adder 2016 Reviewed by Prince Dev on 09:52 Rating: 5

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